This is not hotel

Наталья NNN Страна: Швейцария
Город: Монтрё
Время отдыха: Дата вылета июнь, 2013
Отель: Bonjour Montreux 3*

Дата28.06.13 Хороший отзыв0 Ответов 0 Просмотрели1345

Резюме отзыва

Information is not true.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Расположение отеля

Information is not true. This is not hotel, probably hostel or some kind of house for "gastarbeiters". I booked this hotel. When arrive found the lobby same as pure living house. No any desk. One neighbour wich wolking nearby inform me that there is no hotel there. I have canceled booking. Bilding is far from lake shores and city center.



