Watch out your laggage!

Nataly Deksbakh Страна:Китай
Город: Шеньчжень (Свензхен)
Время отдыха: Дата вылета июнь 2005

Дата31.08.05 Хороший отзыв0 Ответов 1 Просмотрели12748

Watch out your personal luggage!!!
By our personal experience

Hello! We are Nataly and Danila from Moscow (Russia). We came to China (Shenzhen) some time before. From our first day of being here we were not gladly surprised by some facts. For example (by our personal experience) we found out that pocket robbers are totally unpunished here. I (Nataly) was told that China is very strict for it’s rules and regimes. So…as we were convinced, it’s not true. Robbers work always and everywhere: day and night, in the transport, in the crowd, on the beach, in the shops, on the streets…it doesn’t meter where you are, watch your bags and pockets, cases and purses, it’s in your interests!
Insolent Chinese-robbers tried to still my things three times ( I must say, that they made it for the third time). First time was in the city bus. Sunny afternoon, usual bus, not many people in it, I’m standing and holding for the handrail (because one more problem here is a traffic, it’s awful, all drivers, especially of buses, are just suiciders), and that robber comes to me just like that and tries to open my bag (he held his jacket on his shoulder, so it was hard to note his actions). I sew it and he just left the bus like he did nothing. I was shocked. Certainly we have robbers in Russia, but they are not so insolent…and they will not hunt for girl’s bags, it’s just humiliating for them.
The second time one man tried to still my mobile phone from my pocket (oh, Chinese like to do it…), it was not far from Shenzhen Communication Market. I sew it and whispered to Danila about it…He caught him and…Well, I would not envy to that Chinese man. By that time we were already convinced, that it’s useless to call police or somebody…So we decided to solve our problems by ourselves.
The second attempt (and successful one) was on the Da Mei Sha beach. Until this time I’m wondering how did they make it…Our bag was between our heads…And they stole it. We lost all documents (passports, credit cards), 2 mobile phones, camera and some money. We came to our friends (nevertheless there are really good friends between Chinese people) and they helped us(Thank you Jessy and Cindy). They called to the broadcast station on the Da Mei Sha and found out that our documents are found by police. That was good news.
After that time we locked after every suspicious persons (there are a lot of them), and avoided 2 thefts of another people’s bags (by the way, they were Chinese). And Danila had to fight one time…And no police around…No witness around…Looks like nobody needs to keep citizens and tourists safety.
The moral is not very consolingly… Don’t believe to happily smiles of Chinese, it means that they just liked your mobile, credit card or purses. And they would be very happy to still it just from under your eyes.And of cause, no help from the police… But it’s not so pity…there is a small chance, that after several days you will find your mobile for example…On the same Communication Market…But…You will have to purchase it one more time…
Nataly and Danila from Moscow
We really love Chinese people!


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